Ángela Mª Ortega Galán is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing at the University of Huelva. She is also the director of the Master's Degree in Compassion and the Helping Relationship for the improvement of healthcare practice at the UHU.
Formal training: Diploma in Nursing (1992) and Diploma in Social Work (1997). Degree in Nursing from the Hogeschool Zeeland (2000). Master's degree in bioethics and humanisation of care (2005). Expert in Bereavement, Ramón LLuch University (20010). She completed her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Dolores González de Haro and received her doctorate in 2012 from the University of Huelva. She is a certified instructor of the programme "Training in the Cultivation of Compassion" by Stanford University (2020).
Professional experience: As professional experience she has worked for more than 25 years as a nurse care manager and manager in various Clinical Management Units in Huelva. During these years she has been able to provide professional care in different general hospitalisation units and specialised units of Paediatrics, Mental Health, Accident and Emergency and ICU. She also has experience in Primary Health Care and in out-of-hospital emergency care (DCCU) where she held the position of Assistant Nurse at the Huelva Critical Care and Emergency Department.
In recent years, since taking up her post as a statutory staff member, she has focused her professional dedication on the field of oncology and palliative care. During this time she has been a Nurse at the Oncology Day Hospital of the H.J.R.J. and at the Palliative Home Care Unit of the H.V.D. During these years she has served in the field of management as Supervisor of Internal Medicine of the Palliative Care Hospitalisation Units, Continuity of Care Unit and Home Care Units of Palliative Care of the H.V.D. of Huelva.
She is recognised by the Provincial College of Nursing, which awarded her the Medal for Professional Merit in 2017.
Teaching: Teaching is one of Ángela Ortega's areas of greatest development. For 12 years she has combined her work in healthcare with teaching as Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Huelva. Since 2017 she has dedicated herself full time to teaching and is currently a full professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Huelva. She has thousands of hours of teaching at the university level and also in post-university training through courses, seminars, workshops, etc. on various topics related to Bioethics and Humanisation. In recent years, he has developed the science and teaching of "Compassion" as a fundamental virtue to be developed for humanised care.
At the university level, she has held management positions as Vice-Dean of Internships and Students and Secretary of the Department.
She is currently co-leading the "UHU-Universidad Compasiva" Project which aims to make the University of Huelva the first Compassionate University in Europe and the first public university in the world to be accredited by the New Health Foundation.
She has participated as principal researcher and collaborator in several regional, national and international projects.
Her research activity translates into more than 60 articles included in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson Reuters Scientific and an h-index of 16 in Google scholar. 1 six-year research period recognised by the CNEAI (period 2016-2020).
She has numerous Communications to Congresses and has participated as an invited speaker in
various regional, national and international conferences.
Her commitment to people in bereavement of any kind has led her to lead the Listening Centre of Huelva of the Association for the Accompaniment in Bereavement and Loss (ADUPE) of Huelva for more than 10 years.
Another area of commitment developed over these years is Bioethics. This has led her to be a member of the Health Care Ethics Committee of the Huelva Health Area and of the Andalusian Bioethics Committee. She is also President of the Ethics Committee of the Huelva Official College of Nursing and a member of the Autonomous Nursing Ethics Committee.
She has also been a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the Huelva Health Area and of the Andalusian Research Ethics Committee.